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Stop Sinus Pain with Balloon Sinuplasty in Chicago

April 30, 2017

Filed under: balloon sinus dilation — Tags: — dr_wiesman @ 4:40 pm

Benefit from Balloon Sinuplasty in Chicago to treat sinus inflammation.If you are tired of living with the inflammation and pain of chronic sinusitis, you now have an alternative treatment to traditional sinus surgery with Balloon Sinuplasty. This revolutionary new procedure allows you to resolve mucus buildup, breathing difficulties as well as sinus infections and pain without any cutting or removal of bone or tissue. Compared to traditional endoscopic sinus surgery, your recovery time is much shorter with this in-office procedure. Dr. Gary Wiesman at Wiesman Nasal & Sinus provides this proven, minimally invasive procedure to help you breathe better and end the discomfort.

Stop the Discomfort of Chronic Sinusitis

If you have had swollen and inflamed sinuses for more than 12 weeks, your quality of life has significantly declined as the narrowing of your nasal passages makes proper drainage of mucus difficult. This buildup causes pain and swelling of the face and eyes while making it impossible to breathe through your nose.

In the past, the most common treatment involved an endoscopic procedure to remove tissue from the nasal passages. This invasive procedure is generally performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. While it is effective, it does cause quite a bit of discomfort and requires as much as a two-week recovery period.

Benefit from a Simple, Effective Treatment

Now, you can benefit from a simpler but equally effective treatment with Balloon Sinuplasty in Chicago. A small balloon is gently placed into the nasal passages and inflated. The balloon is flexible, allowing it to open blocked sinus passages to allow for proper drainage.

The balloon is then removed, leaving the sinuses open. This convenient and comfortable treatment can be performed in our office with local anesthesia so there is no hospital stay, which can reduce medical costs. And since this procedure does not require any cutting or removal of tissue, you can return to your normal activities in just 24 hours.

Often, patients report an improvement in their condition almost immediately with relief that lasts. In just one day, you can breathe better and restore your quality of life using the most advanced sinus surgery.

Current clinical data in ENT journals report the procedure to be safe and effective while significantly improving sinus symptoms. In fact, according to a two-year study from Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, which followed patients after the procedure, most chronic sinusitis patients had a meaningful improvement in their quality of life and symptoms.

Breathe Better with Balloon Sinuplasty

If you are ready to restore your enjoyment for life and end the pain and discomfort of sinus complications with this minimally invasive and effective treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. Gary Wiesman to learn if Balloon Sinuplasty is right for you.

Contact Wiesman Nasal & Sinus today to schedule your consultation.



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